Springs Preserve Archaeology Tour


Join Archaeologist, Nathan Harper, for a guided tour of the resources at the Springs Preserve.

The springs have been inhabited since at least 9,000 BC. Groups like the Pueblo Peoples, Patayan (ancestors of the Yuman groups) and Numa (Paiutes) used the springs well before the Spanish, Mormons, and other explorers and settlers came through.

Learn more about this diverse history by joining us on this tour.



October 22, 2016 at 10:00am - 1pm
Springs Preserve
Rayette Martin

Showing 8 reactions

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  • Mary Beth Timm
    rsvped 2016-10-05 12:54:21 -0700
  • Rayette Martin
    canceled rsvp 2016-09-30 17:01:44 -0700
  • Maureen / Glen Saccomani
    canceled rsvp 2016-09-30 17:01:27 -0700
  • Steve Orr
    rsvped 2016-09-13 12:22:42 -0700
  • Marsha Sterling
    rsvped 2016-09-13 12:19:44 -0700
  • Gail K. Wright
    rsvped 2016-09-12 15:26:25 -0700
  • Maureen / Glen Saccomani
    rsvped 2016-09-06 21:04:48 -0700
  • Rayette Martin
    rsvped 2016-07-16 13:42:47 -0700

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