Preservation Outreach: Vegas Valley 4 Wheelers

July 2021

NVFCP was able provide members of Vegas Valley 4 Wheelers (VW4W) a short presentation on cultural resource preservation. There were in person attendees as well as those viewing the meeting live online. VV4W is a  full-size 4 wheel drive, 501C non-profit club. They host Hump and Bump, an internationally attended wheeling event at Logandale Trails. They use the proceeds from this event to give back to the Logandale community. After the presentation, NVFCP was invited to have an outreach booth at this year's Hump and Bump event Oct. 28-31st.  

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  • Rayette Hoffman
    published this page in Activity 2021-08-22 20:51:13 -0700

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