Monthly Board Meeting

NVFCP would like to share our goals, status of our current projects, and announce potential areas for volunteers to become involved.

We would also like to hear your ideas on existing projects and future directions. 

Our top 3 projects:

1. Clark County School District-curriculum development taught to teachers through a Professional Development Education (PDE) class for credit.

2. Site Condition Assessment Training-teaching existing certified Site Stewards, to document the current condition of existing/recorded archaeological sites that have not been updated in years. 

3. Preservation Through Education Public Outreach-continue to provide basic education class to land users. 



November 17, 2015 at 6:00pm - 7pm
State Historic Preservation Office-Conference Room
4747 W Vegas Dr
3rd Building from the Street
Las Vegas, NV 90108
United States
Google map and directions
Karen Harvey

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  • Rayette Hoffman
    is hosting. 2015-10-17 21:05:51 -0700

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