Pets On Sites!
Wow time has been flying, now that I am a full-fledged member of the NVFCP team! After my initial fundraiser was a great success, they graciously put me in charge of another fundraising endeavor - the annual calendar! I was really excited to be given this test because it was exposure to the original Cats on Sites calendar that introduced me to the Nevadans For Cultural Preservation and made me want to be a part of their team.
I am happy to announce that not only is our second calendar, Pets on Sites, has now been published and is in fact flying off the shelves!
Raising Funds the Cat Way
It has been a long hot summer! I am biased, because fur, but I know it has been hot for people too, and that is why I haven't been able to get out into the field with NVFCP. I did however get to join their board meeting and check out some maps which made me feel like a real member of the team.
Cat Members?
My name is Gizzy, and I am a very adventuresome cat. I enjoy the great outdoors as well as the great uptrees, and I am an avid entomologist... that means I'm good at checking out bugs.
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