Community Off-Road Meet & Greet

May 2023 

Henderson Nissan hosted a Community Off-Road Meet & Greet with over 11 Clubs in attendance. NVFCP was invited to have an educational booth and explain how we often go off-road to do our preservation jobs. Our Executive Director's truck bed was full of graffiti removal supplies that were used earlier that day. Before and after photos of that work really resonated with booth visitors. We added several new folks to our monthly email list, got a few new OHV Preservation Ambassadors trained, and shared public reporting cards.

The event’s goal was to gather like-minded community members to engage with those new to or interested in off-road adventures. There were several amazing rigs to check out. NVFCP was able to talk to club volunteers and leaders as well as the public about the importance of preserving our heritage sites while recreating in the backcountry.

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  • Rayette Martin
    published this page in Activity 2023-05-26 18:24:24 -0700

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