Cold Creek Ranch Clean Up

Webster Mack, Lois Etzel, Alicia Evans, Cheryl Stinar, Rayette Martin, Gordon
England, Philip Sherman, Paul Krachenfels, Isabelle Krachenfels, Lucky Holtam,
Bruce Kester, and Roland Alburquerque

September 2024

Ten volunteers provided 38 hours of their time to remediate graffiti, pick up trash, and repair fencing at the historic Cold Creek Ranch north of Las Vegas. 

This project would not have been possible without funding from the Nevada Offroad Association through a grant from Fox Trail Trust, our volunteers, members from the Dunes and Trails UTV Club of Las Vegas, and US Forest Service Archaeologists Marty McMahon and Alicia Evans.

After a short talk on the history of the area, the team worked on trash clean up, fence repair, and remediating graffiti on the historic garage. Only two bags of trash were collected. The area was really clean considering it is a popular OHV staging area. Unfortunately, there are no photos of the fence repair but a few areas were taken care of to prevent wild horses and burros from accessing the site.

Graffiti remediation was the most time consuming project of the day. The goal was to remove the white and red paint without damaging the texture created from the previous applications of paint over the concrete block walls. Everyone was patient as we removed the paint layer by layer. 

Bruce Kester with Dunes and Trails also created a video of the efforts. 

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  • Rayette Hoffman
    published this page in Activity 2024-09-17 21:48:22 -0700

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