Archaeology of the Spring Mountains

February 2023

Forest Service District Archaeologist, Marty McMahon

A talk about some of the historic sites on the Spring Mountains! More popularly known as Mt. Charleston – which is officially part of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (SMNRA). There are mining sites that go back to the 1800s from Potosi in the south to Stirling in the north, and remains of old saw mills that ran into the 1950s. Of course, some of the more famous sites in the area are the Tecopa Charcoal Kilns and the Civilian Conservation Corps buildings in Kyle Canyon and the Works Progress Administration organization camp (run by Clark County) that is still in use in Lee Canyon.

Watch a video of this Zoom webinar here

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  • Rayette Martin
    published this page in Activity 2023-02-25 20:59:04 -0800

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