UT/AZ/NV Site Stewardship Get-Together

November 2023

NVFCP was privileged to be invited to attend the first ever tri-state stewardship get-together. Volunteer site stewards and program staff from the three states met in Kanab, UT for a two-day event. The first day started with a workshop on food processing presented by the Nevada program. NVFCP assisted with teaching how to utilize sinew and create cordage from plant fibers. After lunch, a workshop was held photographing damage to a site like it is a crime scene followed by a wonderful lithics workshop. Later in the day, presentations were provided by all three state stewardship programs. They covered their accomplishments, honored volunteers, and touched on their future goals. A dinner of pizza and salad was provided.

The second day was all about the fieldtrip to nearby Pipe Springs National Monument. Attendees were treated to an interpreted walk around the grounds and had some more time to socialize and get to know fellow stewards. Pipe Springs is a small park but full of history that is representative of the contact era when the LDS or Mormons settled on the homelands of the southern Paiute.  

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  • Rayette Hoffman
    published this page in Activity 2023-11-15 17:06:57 -0800

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