Fall Graffiti Removal Project 2023

September - October 2023

NVFCP was contracted to treat decades worth of graffiti from a sensitive cultural area. We spent time in the Spring and this Fall scrubbing and pleading with spray paint, marker, and crayon. 

A team of amazing volunteers donated their time and muscles to continue the work of bringing this amazing culturally important area back to a more natural state.

In addition to treating graffiti, volunteers installed signage and removed truck loads of trash. A team of SWCA volunteers joined in on the fun! 




Unfortunately, we will be returning to do more graffiti cleanup this winter. A group of vandals added approximately 50 more instances of graffiti. However, we know we have a team of experienced and dedicated volunteers we can call upon to help get the job done




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  • Rayette Hoffman
    published this page in Activity 2023-10-18 19:29:23 -0700

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