40 Years of Site Stewardship

August 2023

Dr. Samantha Rubinson, Archaeologist and Program Coordinator for the Nevada Site Stewardship Program 

Over the last past 40 years, archaeological site stewardship programs have developed in the United States and the United Kingdom. These programs seek to preserve archaeological sites on land and submerged. The recent National Site Stewardship Network Survey included over 32 programs, 30 in the US and 2 in the UK. This survey provided an opportunity to investigate how each program works and the driving forces behind them. This presentation will explore a variety of the programs and present the key results of the survey. 

Click here to watch a recording of this Zoom Webinar.  

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  • Rayette Martin
    published this page in Activity 2023-08-26 14:35:00 -0700

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