Cat Members?
My name is Gizzy, and I am a very adventuresome cat. I enjoy the great outdoors as well as the great uptrees, and I am an avid entomologist... that means I'm good at checking out bugs.
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Preservation Through Education
We cannot expect people to care about things they know nothing about, follow laws they've never heard of, or protect things they cannot identify.
Nevadans for Cultural Preservation (NVFCP) provides educational services and assistance with protecting cultural resources through field projects, public outreach events, and print and social media:
- Strives to increase the public's awareness of the importance of the prehistoric and historic material culture in Nevada, to discourage vandalism and the illegal trafficking of these materials, and to help preserve Nevada's cultural resources.
- Collaborates with government agencies and preservation organizations in a continuous effort to preserve Nevada's rich heritage.
- Is founded on the belief that educating the public about Nevada's diverse past fosters responsible citizens that will continue to value and protect these cultural resources for the enjoyment and understanding of current and future generations.
We bring tailored presentations and hands on materials to groups who enjoy the Nevada outdoors.
Our presentations focus on:
- What resources are in Nevada
- Why we should care about them
- What types of impacts happen to these resources
- How we can protect them
Email [email protected] to arrange a presentation for your group free of charge.
Special Projects
NVFCP partners with other organizations and governmental agencies on projects related to preserving cultural resources such as employee or volunteer training, volunteer leadership, content, layout, and design for interpretive materials, and consulting.
Enrichment Events
NVFCP members are invited to participate in a variety of events related to cultural resource preservation. Events include, but are not limited to workshops and lectures on related subjects, field-trips, and site clean-ups.
About Us
After seeing historic trucks being stolen, rock writing being vandalized, historic buildings being burned, and artifacts like stone tools being taken, a group of Nevada Site Stewardship Program volunteers started Nevadans for Cultural Preservation. The founding board saw the need to educate the public about the importance of these resources, the laws that protect them, and share the joy of preserving them for the future generations to enjoy.
Executive Director: Rayette Martin M.A. is a public archaeologist with over 16 years of experience exploring the Nevada outdoors. She has a combined 20 years of supervisory and volunteer management experience and enjoys working with the public. Her specialties include public engagement and education, writing for the general public, graphic design, and graffiti mitigation at rock writing sites.
President: Katie Hoffman is an archaeologist and artist. Her interests currently lie in landscape art and she has a passion for educating youth.
Secretary: Laura Traymany has a B.A. in Archaeology and is a master teacher for the Clark County School District. She has been the lead on NVFCP's Nevada History Curriculum project for grades 4 and 5. NVFCP will be releasing it in the spring of 2022.
Treasurer: Justin DeMaio is an archaeologist who enjoys fieldwork and sharing his knowledge of the past. He is a graduate of UNLV and has worked in Nevada for over 8 years with different federal land managing agencies.
Director: Dr. Barbara Roth professor of Archaeology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Director: Dr. Kevin Rafferty professor emeritus from the College of Southern Nevada.
Nonvoting Director: Samantha Rubinson PhD. runs a large statewide volunteer organization and is passionate about archaeology and public involvement.
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 702-466-3013
Mail: P.O. Box 400483 Las Vegas, NV 89140