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When: Jan 22, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Recent Test Excavations at the Larder Site with Heidi Roberts
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Join Heidi Roberts of HRA Inc., Conservation Archaeology in an online presentation on the Larder Site at the Clark County Wetlands Park, Henderson, Nevada.
In 2015 and 2016 HRA conducted test excavations in three geophysical anomalies identified by Ithaca College during a geophysical survey of the Larder Site. These investigations verified that two of the features were cultural, and represented a well preserved shallow pithouse and an activity area surrounding a cluster of hearths. Radiocarbon dates on mesquite seeds and charcoal recovered from the features’ hearths and floors indicate that both features were occupied between AD 1270 and 1395. This paper explores the implications of these discoveries in terms of understanding the prehistory of the Larder Site, Wetlands Park, and southern Nevada.
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