Magic & Mystery: The Caves Sites of Prehistoric Nevada

Friday, May 8th  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Truckee Meadows Community College

Sierra Bulding Rm 204

7000 Dandini Blvd, Reno, NV 89512 

Free and open to the public

Caves provided some of the first shelters, storage spaces, and ceremonial centers for the prehistoric peoples of Nevada. Consequently, these cave sites have provided archaeologists with invaluable in-formation on the ancient environment, diets, settlement patterns, religious practices, and cultural lives of ancient groups. The importance of many of these caves has extended into the present, as many are considered ‘Traditional Cultural Properties’ and still used in ceremonies by modern Native American tribes.

This presentation will cover some of the prominent cave sites in Nevada. It will discuss the importance of these sites in their contribution to archaeology and the understanding of prehistoric Nevada and its people, as well as their continued use by modern tribes.

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